I mailed 85 slices of fake pumpkin pie this week to family & friends. The annual Denneler Family letter took the form of mailable pie this year. Sometimes, when I get an idea for a project, I become completely obsessed with it until I've executed it. That would be the case here. I started on them in early August and completed them a few weeks ago.
Carpel tunnel be damned! I was going to mail pumpkin pie if it killed me.
I hear
they've been a hit with many mail carriers. One of my friends even
pranked his wife by putting their slice on a plate, covering it with
Saran Wrap, and leaving it in the fridge for her to find. (Imagine her disappointment when she discovered it was made of upholstery foam, cardboard and wall caulking.)
Happy Fall y'all.... Hope you enjoy every last bite of 2012!
Wanna make one (or 85) for yourself? Here's my simple tutorial on SheKnows.com.
I love mailing weird stuff. |
Looks real, doesn't it? |
Lots of pie drying on our spare bed in the basement. |
Piles of pie on my kitchen table, ready to mail. |