In January, my sister-in-law, Susie, found out that she had breast cancer. They discovered it early before it had spread to any lymph nodes, thank goodness. But rounds and rounds of tests determined that the breast tissue contained more cancerous tendencies, so she decided to go ahead with a double mastectomy two weeks ago. (She was able to have reconstructive surgery and implants put in at the same time, which was nice.) They're still waiting to hear if she'll have to go through any chemotherapy or not. Obviously, we're all praying for NOT.
So the healing process has begun for Susie, my brother Kevin, and my two nieces, Kirsten & Paige. My sister-in-law is a nurse herself, so it's been hard to be on the patient-side of medicine. She's had to let people take care of her instead of being the caregiver. And she's received so much support and kindness from her friends, that she wanted to give something back. Naturally, my Cupcakes for the Cure came to mind. She and my nieces love to bake. And I had plenty of leftover boxes for her to use. So today, she is delivering 24 sets of boobcakes to her caring friends.
I hope they make people smile. I'm sure that making and delivering them is helping Susie heal as well.
I made a new sticker for her to put on the bright pink boxes: A bra with the words "Hey, thanks for all the support."