6:22 am - Pull out that one, grey hair, reminding you you're 37 today
7:12 am - Open thoughtful presents from husband and kids
7:18 am - Have a birthday breakfast cupcake with Gus and Bea

9:12 am - Sit, chat and eat birthday treats with work buddies
10:18 am - Read more happy birthday wishes on Facebook
11:15 am - Watch the snow blow outside during a birthday blizzard
3:27 pm - Read and reply to more online birthday wishes
4:38 pm - Drive home in birthday blizzard to warm house
5:22 pm - Go to mailbox and find it filled with birthday cards
6:01 pm - Eat bowl of chicken curry soup made by thoughtful husband
6:33 pm - Find funny birthday card in Gus' backpack

7:08 pm - Get "Happy Birthday" phone call from mom
7:58 pm - Bathtime, booktime and bedtime for Gus & Bea
8:20 pm - Eat one more chocolate cupcake WITH ice cream
9:15 pm - Enjoy glass of wine, Mad Men DVD, and cozy husband
10:00 pm - Bedtime for anyone 37 and older