In case you might not already know this, my husband can build ANYTHING.

So when I asked him last month if he could make this replica 1960's Big Ball Toy Rocker for my friend's baby shower, I knew his mad woodworking skilz were going to make me look good. And I was right. The mother-to-be could not believe her eyes when she pulled this gorgeousness out of the box. Her reaction (and the oohhhs & ahhhs from the shower attendees) was priceless.
It's so beautiful, it looks more like art than a toy. (Even more appropriate, since the mother works at the Ulrich Museum of Art.) To create the curved seat and base, Eric built two arched forms, laminating and bending thin sheets of cherry wood over each. Then, he hand-turned the rocker arm and big orange ball on his lathe. Easier said than done. Lathe work is tricky.
I just love it. And believe me, if we had the space in our house, I'd have him build an adult-sized one for me. ;-)