Fourteen years ago, Eric and I bought our house not knowing how little storage there really was or how many toys two children could possibly accumulate. Oh lordy, do we have toys!
So when I mentioned building some cabinets in our basement to contain all the Nerf guns, Transformers, Legos and Fisher Price toys, Eric replied with a giant "YAWN."
He hates building cabinets. Or something as boring as cabinets. Boxes with no personality, in his opinion. Where's the challenge?
Soooooo ...... I came back to him with an idea I'd seen a few years ago - storage cabinets made out of big alphabet letters. Admittedly, I almost have a fetish for alphabet letters. Maybe it was the inflatable alphabet people we had in Mrs. Selby's Kindergarten class, or maybe it's the designer in me, but there's just something about an enormous 'A' that gets my juices going.
Eric agreed to tackle my latest hair-brained idea. (And yes, I realize how spoiled I am that I've married a man who can not only BUILD whatever I dream up, but still love me after the sawdust settles.)
Our basement isn't big, but there was just enough room to spell out PLAY. And I was able to get almost all of Gus & Bea's toys tucked safely into their new home - everything except the Thomas the Tank Engine collection. That stuff almost needs it's own wing of the house.
I took a ton of photos during the build - it was just so fun to watch it come together. And once again, I'm in awe of Eric's patience, craftsmanship and best-dad-ever abilities.