Little Miss Bea was a flower girl on Sunday at her cousin's wedding in Lawrence. She's not quite two years old yet, so I told Ashley (the bride) weeks ago that there was a 20% chance she might actually do what you want her to do during the ceremony. Especially since the ring bearers accompanying her included a one-year old boy name Kelan, and the couple's dog, Baxter. (Scenarios of a Funniest Home Video episode have haunted me for weeks.)
But luckily, the trio was escorted up the aisle in a little red wagon, pulled by Kelan's mom. And miracle of miracles, no one jumped out. Bea forgot to sprinkle her flower petals along the way — even after she'd practiced throwing & dumping them numerous times before the ceremony. But that's OK. She didn't cry and she didn't hurt the dog or Kelan. And most importantly, she looked cute.
It was a beautiful wedding and a fun day.