Saturday, June 30, 2012

Garden Cake (2000)

This cake was definitely made b.c (before children). I remember seeing it in Martha Stewart Living and thought it was the most incredible, edible thing... ever. I just HAD to try and make it myself.

So, in April of 2000, I attempted this labor of love for my friend's birthday at work. The magazine gave step-by-step instructions for all of the fondant vegetables, and I seriously think it took me two solid weeks to make them all. It was unbelievably hard to find the right kinds of candy decorations & supplies at the time - chocolate rocks, green grass sprinkles, fondants and gel food colorings, etc. Plus, I'd never even worked with fondant before so there was quite a learning curve. 

Not nearly as fabulous and perfect as Martha's, but it was a major baking achievement for me and certainly a hit around the office. (Sorry about the pixelated photos - shot with early digital photography at too low of a resolution. Bummer.) 

Lettuce, red cabbage and cauliflower

Carrots and radishes

Center fountain with floating lily pads

Artichokes and rhubarb

Tomatoes, yellow bell peppers and watermelons

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Nutter Butter Shoes (2004)

What do you make for a friend who loves shoes? Nutter Butter heels, of course.

In 2004, I made these birthday treats for my coworker, Adriene. I used Nutter Butter cookies, Tootsie Rolls and decorative candy pareils. 

I had to soften all the Tootsie Rolls in the microwave and shape the tiny heel & toe pieces with my fingers, and then wrestle with getting them to stick to the Nutter Butter cookie. At the time, I remember thinking "these are taking forever to put together." Now I laugh, because compared to some of my more recent projects, these are a piece of cake. Or cookie. Or candy. ;)

Pardon the blurry, grainy photos. Ten years ago, my digital camera (and my photography skills) were pretty novice.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Possum Cake (1999?)

I can't quite remember what year it was when I made this possom cake, but it was before we had decent digital cameras. In fact, this photo is probably a scan of a crappy Polaroid. Not sure.

Anyway..... I may not remember the year, but I certainly remember the occasion. My copywriter & creative partner at Sullivan Higdon & Sink had "possum problems" at her house. One of these critters had gotten in to her attic, and couldn't find it's way out - causing her much angst and sleepless nights. The saga went on for quite a while, until she was finally able to catch the little fella in a trap and release him back out into the wild.

We celebrated at work with this possum dessert. The inside, of course, was a reddish strawberry cake. And the outside was covered in buttercream frosting, sprinkled with a layer of grey and white coconut flakes. The "cage" over the possum was an old swimming pool basket I had in my antique knick-knack collection at the time. Just the right finishing touch, if I do say so myself.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Chocolate Robots (Circa 2008)

I was going through our digital photo album the other night and realized: I've bake a hellova lotta stuff. So, I thought it might be fun to share some of my past projects. (Desserts I've made for birthdays, holidays, office parties, anniversaries, etc - before we started this blog in the summer of 2008.) Mind you, the photography isn't great. But the ideas are still fun.

My creative director at Sullivan Higdon & Sink, Scott Flemming, was well known for his "robot sketching." He used to sit in brainstorming meetings, or client meetings, or agency meetings, and doodle the coolest robots. 

So, for his birthday in 2008, I made him some chocolate robots. I remember going up and down the candy aisle at the grocery store looking for the perfect pieces, parts & shapes to make these little guys. I "glued" everything together with chocolate frosting.

From top to bottom:
Antena = chocolate licorice
Head = Little Debbie Swiss Cake Roll
Ears = Milk Duds
Eyes = chocolate chips
Mouth = chocolate licorice
Body = Little Debbie Devil's Food Cake Square
Arms = chocolate licorice
Chest Control Panel = Hersey's Candy bar piece
Buttons = mini M&Ms
Legs = Twix candy bars
Feet = Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

Monday, June 18, 2012

Little cakes. Big KABOOM!

I have a 4th of July dessert that will really sizzle. 

No seriously. It snaps. It crackles. And it pops! In your mouth.

Check out my step-by-step tutorial for Pop Rockin' Firecracker Cakelettes, now featured on

Eat. Explode. Enjoy!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Busy. Bea.

For reasons unknown, our 5-year-old daughter spent the majority of her weekend making paper airplanes. I'm guessing 350+. Why? We have no idea, except that it kept her busy and she was quite thrilled with her accomplishment.

Now, my next question. How long do we have to KEEP these 350+ paper airplanes? Two weeks? A month? Maybe she wouldn't notice if I threw a couple dozen away every day. I know, next weekend we can play: Who-can-fly-the-most-paper-airplanes-into-the recycling-bin?

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Lunchtime Love Notes

Occasionally, I like to leave little notes on the kitchen counter for Eric to read when he comes home for lunch. 

It's usually something really sexy like "I'm sorry I ate your leftover Chipotle" or "Turn off the sprinkler in the backyard, please."

But today, I left him this itty-bitty balloon dog I made out of Hot Tamales candy.

Sometimes, I can be sweet.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Feeding You Like Family

I struggled trying to come up with a dessert that I could take to my Weishaar Family Reunion this weekend. It had to be something that would withstand the drive to Lawrence in the trunk of our car. It had to survive the 95-degree summer heat. It had to be liked by both, kids and adults. And it had to be fun.

So, I opted for some simple sugar cookies that spelled WEISHAAR, and surrounded them by a swarm of Skittles. (Under each letter cookie is a stack of 4 more cookies.)

It was easy and fulfilled all the requirements above. Most importantly, it was fun.

I'm pretty sure the little ones like it most of all!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Chocolate-dipped Cheese-Cake-on-a-Stick

Need I say more?

My WSU pals and I headed to the Wichita River Festival food court over lunch and had ourselves some foods-on-sticks.

Reminds me of a quote from one of my favorite movies: There's Something About Mary

Mary: You know I don't think that they have enough meats on sticks. No, seriously.

Ted: Really?

Mary: If you think about it they have plenty of sweets right? They have lollipops, they have fudgesicles, they have popsicles, but they don't have any other meat on sticks.

Ted: Yes, you don't see that many meats on sticks. You know what I would like to see? I'd like to see more meat in a cone. You don't hardly ever see that. That's an idea that I think is waiting to pop. Just like a nice big over stuffed waffle cone full of chopped liver.

Dad's Day Dessert

It's only natural, that after 5+ years of art directing the Cargill Meats account, I would be inspired to create a steak-themed dessert. (Or two, or three.) has all of my step-by-step instructions for this T-bone Brownie, if you want to surprise Dad with his very own (rare or well-done) on Father's Day. grilling required! 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Deceiving But Pleasing Dessert

Look again. That's not meat & veggies. That's sugar. On a stick.

Candy Kabobs, I'm calling them. The complete photo tutorial posted on this week. Check it out. 

I think I spent a couple of hours in the grocery store (and local candy shops) trying to find the right shapes and colors to create these silly things. My favorite are the marshmallow mushrooms. Just a couple of snips with the scissors, dust them with a little bit of cocoa powder, and voila.... sweet, sweet mushrooms!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Wickedly-Delicious Poison Apple Party Dip

With the opening of the new movie, Snow White and the Huntsman, asked me to come up with a dessert idea that had more of a "dark" side. After all, this movie seems to twist the classic fairytale into more of a creepy-gothic-action-adventure than a warm and fuzzy Disney romp, for sure.

Here's my wickedly-delicious version of Snow White's poison apple. However, one bite of this sweet beauty and you'll come back for more. I thought about making the dip sour-flavored instead of caramel, but that would just be mean... much like Charlize Theron's character in the movie. Man oh man, she looks scary.

For the recipe and photo tutorial, check out