Sunday, October 9, 2011

Fast on His Feet

Lucky for us, Eric's still pretty fast in a foot race, because it was cold & rainy this morning as we watched him run in the Prairie Fire Half Marathon. We didn't have to brave the wet weather too long. His finishing time was 1:36:59. Just under the wire. (Don't let the finish line clock fool you, his racing chip was a few seconds faster than what it shows.) He finished 75th out of 1549, and he averaged 7:24 per mile.Yea Eric!
Gus and Bea were excited to see his bright orange shirt coming around the corner in College Hill at the six-mile mark. And they were also quite impressed with his shiny medal. Both of them wanted to try it on.
I was impressed too, and rewarded him with a cheesecake tonight after dinner. Which, in my opinion, is the only reason to run: DESSERT.