Saturday, August 29, 2015

Oh, What a Treat it Was!

How does that song go? "If I knew you were coming, I'd have baked a cake."

Well I baked a cake, and cookies, and fudge, and brownies, and all kinds of sweet treats. And boy, did they come to my edible art show and book signing last night at Watermark Books. The line was long and the appetites were hungry. They practically licked the platters clean - hooray! 

My head is still buzzing from the sugar rush. Thank you, thank you, thank you - from the bottom of my mixing bowl. I have the best family, friends, coworkers and foodie fans. It was beyond wonderful to have all of those people in one place, celebrating my book. Obviously the recipe for success is to surround yourself with love, and bake at 350 degrees.

Here are some photos of the food and wall displays, as well as fun pics that friends have been sharing on Facebook. It was a night I will never forget, that's for sure.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Prepping for Final Friday

Only 2 more days until my Final Friday show at Watermark Books & Café - Edible Art by Sandra Denneler

Eric and Bea helped me hang the photo wall display at Watermark last Sunday. I had Rand Graphics print 11x17 posters of my edible art projects, and then linked them together with metal ring binders. It looks like a giant curtain of photos in the café area. I just love it. I'll take some better photos on Friday and post more later.

I've been making & baking stuff for the last 10 days. Here's hoping I can get it all transported to Watermark unscathed. That's always my biggest baking fear - spending hours on something, only to have it fall apart upon arrival. I can't even watch those baking shows when they have to move a giant cake to a venue for a party. Seriously, it just stresses me out. 

Wish me luck. And sanity. I need both at this point.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Oh, What a Treat!

I've heard from other cookbook authors that it's shocking to go into a store and see your own book on a shelf. Guess what? They're right. 

It's shocking. And surreal. And scary. And exciting. And fun. And awesome. Truly awesome.

It's been one week since the "official" release of my book - Oh, What a Treat! I'm completely delighted and thankful for all the kind words of encouragement I've received from friends and family - and strangers too. You make my heart swell with pride.

I apologize for not posting more fun stuff lately on the blog, but I've been knee-deep in butter and sugar as I bake, make and prepare for my big Final Friday Edible Art Show at Watermark Books. If you live in the Wichita area, I'd love for you to stop by for a bite, or a book, or both. 

Bring your friends & your appetite!

Oh, What a Treat! - Edible Art by Sandra Denneler
Friday, August 28
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Watermark Books & Cafe
4701 East Douglas
Wichita, Kansas

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Fresh Faces on the First Day of School

Bea and Gus started back to school this week. We had such a fun, relaxing summer. I really hated for it to end. 

Bea is in Mrs. Shogren's 3rd grade class at Gammon Elementary, and Gus is a big-time 8th grader at Stucky Middle School.

They were both genuinely happy as they packed their backpacks and headed out the door on Tuesday. 

My goal this year is to "let go" a little bit more. I need to let them learn from their mistakes and give them more independence. I'm guessing they'd probably like that too. 

Here's hoping this school year ends with smiles as big as the first day.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

My Favorite Fourteen-Year-Old

Gus turned 14 last week. 

Our beanpole-of-a-boy has more than a few inches on his mom now, and is just 1/2-inch shorter than his dad.

He's our happy-go-lucky kid. Always has been. How we got such a sweet child, I'll never know.

Gus requested brownies for his birthday dessert. So, I attempted to make a 3-dimensional Minecraft torch (his favorite video game.) But it collapsed into a jumbled mess. Instead, I opted to cut his name out of the leftover brownie squares.

He didn't care. Gus thought it was just great. 

Thanks for being such a wonderful kid. Happy birthday, Gus.