Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Birds and the Bea

Last Saturday, Bea decided she wanted her dad to build a new birdhouse for the backyard. Not just any old birdhouse, though - a rocket ship-shaped birdhouse. Something fun to go with the rocket ship playset Eric built five years ago.

Those two headed out to the garage, and within an hour, they had it built and ready to paint. Eric just loves when the kids get interested in woodworking projects. He has fond memories of spending time in the garage with his dad and brothers.

Bea insisted on painting it orange and even added a little picture of a bird in a space helmet on the bottom.

Our new rocket ship birdhouse sits proudly on the corner of our deck trellis, waiting for it's first feathered guests. (It's quite large. I think you could fit an entire flock of birds in there.)