Sunday, May 10, 2015

My Ultimate Mom's Day

I bet I'm the only mom that was super-excited to get a trash can for Mother's Day.

A few weeks ago, Gabrielle Blair of DesignMom encouraged her blog followers to "think big, or small" and share their #ultimatemomsday wish on Twitter or PayPal's Facebook page. PayPal, would then randomly choose some moms and grant those wishes.

And yes, I wished for this Westco Spaceboy Trash Can. Why? Because I love it so much. I've wanted this silly thing ever since Eric built the rocketship playset in our backyard six years ago. And now it's mine! Thanks so much, PayPal. I was completely giddy when I heard that I'd won.

When we go to remodel our kitchen, this is going to be the centerpiece. Dagnabit. What was I thinking? Why didn't I wish for an entire kitchen remodel? Sigh. Oh well...

My Ultimate Mom's Day didn't stop there, though. My husband and kids surprised me this morning with all kinds of wonderful things.

Coupons for mowing the lawn. Yes, please!

Favor Flowers - I get to pick a flower, and Bea does the favor/chore.

This delightful, handmade ceramic calico cat with accompanying book.

And a brand new pair of running shoes. (To sweat off those doughnuts that we had for Mother's Day breakfast.)

Pretty awesome Mother's Day from my best gifts ever - Gus and Bea. 

I love you both so much.