Friday, March 27, 2015

Sweet & Salty Spring Blossom Snacks

My favorite blooms in springtime aren't the tulips and daffodils. (Although, they are certainly pretty.) I love the trees and bushes that burst through the grey of winter with bright yellow and pink blossoms. They never last very long, but against a deep blue sky, they are so lovely.

I spent part of last week's spring break outside, doing some necessary yard work. And I was inspired by those beautiful blooming branches to make an edible version of them in my kitchen. 

They're sweet and salty because I used crushed pretzels and melted chocolate. The candy coated sunflower seeds add just the right sprinkling of color. And they taste yummy, too.

Make some for a spring treat or to dress up your Easter table next weekend. Mine are still displayed on the kitchen counter in their blue canning jars. They look just like fresh cut branches from my yard. (Except for the ones I keep nibbling on.)

You can find my simple, step-by-step tutorial for Sweet & Salty Spring Blossom Snacks at Handmade Charlotte

Have a scrumptious spring!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Brace-faced Boy

Seems as if all of our friends and family members are enjoying spring break vacations this week, skiing, surfing or shopping. Unfortunately, Gus got to spend his in the orthodontist office getting braces - and a mouth full of other hardware that's suppose to expand and tilt and contract every inch of his oral cavity.

And yet, he's still smiling. What a guy. In three short years, we hope to remove all this metal and find a million dollar grin. 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Spring + Winter = Swinter

Today is March 1st, so it's only natural that we got our first significant snow for the year. Enough to go sledding in College Hill Park, anyway.

We frolicked in the frozen flakes this morning, and ended our outing with a good ol' fashioned snowball fight.

I loved the snow and all, but I'm pretty excited that spring is nearly here.