Thursday, October 9, 2014

Go Gus, Go!

Gus just finished his first season of cross country as a 7th grader at Stucky Middle School. He hasn't participated in any kind of sport before now, so this was new territory for all of us. And I have to say, we're quite proud of our little athlete. He never complained after any of his long, hot, exhausting practices. He never stopped running during any of his races. And he improved his time at every meet, finishing with a personal best of 7:30.

It just puts joy in my heart to see him cross the finish line each time. I hope he liked it enough to go out again next year. We'll see.

Here are some my favorite photos from the season. 
Completely exhausted after his first race in 98 degree heat.

A huge group of runners!

Trying to beat someone at the finish line.
Teammates and classmates
Our Stucky Storm on a field of blue sky.

Finding his position at the start of a race.

Finishing strong!

Like father, like son.