Saturday, May 17, 2014

Rock Springs T-shirt

At the end of every school year, the 5th graders at Gammon Elementary get to take a fun trip to Rock Springs 4-H Camp in Junction City, Kansas. It's a day to get away, enjoy nature and just be a kid. (Before they head off to middle school next year.)

This year's classes wanted t-shirts to wear on the trip, so I designed something gender-neutral that allowed all of the kids' names to be included into the graphic. (I was inspired by this cool t-shirt I saw for Jeff Lake Camp in New Jersey.)

The teachers and students really seemed to like them. The best part is, I think we'll be able to use this design every year - just change the colors and names of the students. (Good thing Gammon's PTO president just happens to be a graphic designer too, huh?)