Saturday, March 29, 2014

Just What the Doctor Ordered

It's only been two years, but Redbud Pediatrics has already expanded their clinic space! So, I was thrilled when Dr. Rebecca Reddy asked me to create some new décor for the added exam rooms and enlarged waiting area. 

I've spent the last couple of months constructing giant letters out of foam core, hot gluing fur and other funky fabrics, designing new kid-friendly canvas prints, and painting big blue birds. Eric and I installed everything this afternoon, and I just love how it came together. 

So. Much. Fun. 

Hope you agree.

Blue bench from Tree Top Nursery, wooden trees and canvas wrapped frame.

More canvas-wrapped prints and the play table/house Eric built 2 years ago.
"redbud" letters made out of foam core and covered in white vinyl fabric.
Canvas-wrapped frames made by Signs Now.
Mirror slats that I bought from and attached to MDF board.

"the picture of health" vinyl lettering attached to the mirror by Signs Now.
Custom vinyl numbers on the bottom of each exam room door.

Custom Redbud bird cut out of MDF board, made by Eric.

Jane Jenni plates attached to the wall in one exam room.
Custom framed print: "You're growing like a weed."

Red clipboards with custom mini posters.

Red clocks I found at Target and added the little blue birds on top.

Peace, love & Redbud bird, made out of foam core and covered in fabrics and fur.

Funky furs and fabrics covering each shape.

Custom framed prints near the nurses station.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

A Cake for Cake

Our calico cat, Cake, turned 2 years old yesterday. So of course, we made her a three-tiered, candle-topped, birthday cake out of cat food. (Which was totally Bea's idea, I swear!)

Cats DO NOT like flaming candles.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Spring Breaking

The sky is blue. The sun is shining. And the kids are enjoying a little spring break.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

3-Point Shots

Who's ready for some March Madness? 

Me. Me. And me. 

Mostly because my WSU Shockers are still undefeated after an incredible season, and ready to make another run for the Final Four. Go SHOX!

I have a really fun basketball-themed treat you can make for your bracket-busting parties. They're called 3-Point Shots. You can make them with or without alcohol. Just add some clear flavored soda to unflavored gelatin, and top them off with little cantaloupe basketballs. (Which you can also soak in vodka for some extra ZING!)

They're a guaranteed slam dunk (or drunk.)

Find the complete tutorial at SheKnows

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Pinocchio Cookies

My favorite kind of edible art project is one that doesn't require hours in the kitchen or a complicated recipe. Maybe that's why I'm liking these Pinocchio cookies so much. They're made with just a simple Nilla Wafer cookie, a pretzel for the nose, and a few sweet accessories.

Jiminy Cricket! That's one easy (and clever) cookie.

For the complete instructions and more fun photos, you can find my tutorial on Handmade Charlotte.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Taste the Rainbow

It's a smoothie. 

It's a freezer pop. 

It's a healthy snack. 

AND.... it's a rainbow!

What's not to love about this colorful & creative combination? They're made with fresh fruit, yogurt & almond milk, and poured into these super-cool, ice pop freezer bags I found at 

For the step-by-step instructions of how to make your own rainbow smoothie pops, head over to