Friday, June 7, 2013

Bird Rockers

WARNING: More whimsical woodworking from Eric Denneler's workshop.

It's a bird rocker. 
Flip it over, and it's a climbing toy/slipper slide.
Put it on it's side, and it's a pint-sized table for tea parties.
Not to mention, it's a great place to store toys, blankets and books.

Bea was more than happy to model the many ways to play with the bird.

A six-year-old may be a little big to slide down.

Or, maybe not.

Tea party anyone? Almost looks like she's a bartender. Watch out!

Inspired by this rainbow rocker I saw a few weeks ago on Handmade Charlotte, I commissioned/begged/cojoled Eric to build something similar, but with our Denneler touch. And a birdy rocker was born. 

He made the pink one for my hairdresser (of 18 years!) who's having a baby girl at the end of June. And the orangish one is for my fellow-WSU-designer-pal at work, who's having a girl any day now.

WHEW. Babies, babies everywhere! I feel like Oprah... "And YOU get a birdy rocker. And YOU get a birdy rocker! And YOU...

I hope these whimsical woodcrafts bring many years of joy to the nests of my dear friends and their new little ones.