Friday, April 5, 2013

Our cup runneth over with Shocker pride!

At 4:10 p.m. yesterday afternoon, Bea informed her Kindergarten teacher (and her mother), that she would be bringing Shocker cookies to school today.

Oh really? Well ... I guess we'd better get on that.

For whatever reason, I just wasn't in the mood to bake last night. So I convinced myself (and Bea) that it would be easier to make WuShock cups filled with black and yellow Oreo cookies.

Ha. Ha. Ha. Me and my silly ideas.

Thirty minutes of Photoshopping a WuShock label, a trip to the grocery store for cups, napkins & Oreos, a quick visit to Office Depot to make color prints, a stop at the liquor store (by then I could tell it was going to be a long night), and three hours of cutting, pasting and napkin shredding later......

24 WuShock Oreo Cups

Bea was pretty excited this morning to share her treats.

Go Shox! Let's win this!