Saturday, February 2, 2013

Love Bites Dessert Table

Nine lovely ladies joined me at Adriene Rathbun's Social class this morning to watch and learn as I assembled a Valentine's Day dessert table.

I tried to share some of my favorite tricks, and impart some wisdom on many of my past mistakes. 

Everyone was so complimentary and had lots of great questions. I enjoyed making some new friends, and I always get a thrill when familiar faces come back for more.

As with every class, we took lots of pictures. Lots. And lots. Of pictures.

Thanks again, ladies, for making me feel like a sugar princess.

Molasses sugar cookie dogs

Cotton candy sheep bowls

Peppermint Patty bumblebees

Apothecary jar filled with white cheddar cheese balls

Delicious coconut cream cheese cupcakes made by Adriene


Brownie heart boxes filled with M&Ms

Heart-shaped suckers in sugar
Coconut cupcakes displayed on upside-down wine glasses
Kansas Sugar Cookies with blue icing and candy hearts