Monday, January 9, 2012

Winter Landscaping

The weather has been so incredibly nice for a Kansas winter. Almost too nice. My crocus plants are already coming out of the ground and it's only January 9th. I like to think it's just Mother Nature's way of apologizing for giving us such a crappy summer. 

Since it was so pleasant this weekend, we decided to tackle a tree-transplanting project in our backyard. Eric planted this lovely lilac tree about 5 years ago. But it grew much bigger than we anticipated and was leaning pretty good against our shed. So, shovels in hand, Eric and I dug another hole, 3 feet to the southeast of it's current spot. The kids were a big help. Not. Gus volunteered to take photos (that's usually my strategy to avoid hard labor), and Bea worked at a supervisory level, telling us to dig faster so that she could water the tree.

Have you ever wondered why they always find a dead body buried in a "shallow grave"? Well now I know — digging a deep grave is entirely too much work. Oh my lord, shoveling that clay soil was a chore. But it's done, and the tree looks happy. Let's just hope it roots down again and blooms sweet, purple lilacs again this spring.