Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Purple Popsicle

Months ago, in the heat of the summer (and after about 4 consecutive popsicle snacks), Bea told me: "Mom, I want to be a purple popsicle for Halloween. And I want my costume to be soft. And I want my legs to be the sticks."

OK. Got it. 

I thought that was pretty darn clever for a 4-year-old to dream up. So I did my best to make her Halloween wishes come true. 

We made a Halloween test run last weekend at some Trunk-or-Treat events in town. Bea loved her costume and waddled around collecting candy and smiling at everyone. I realize, it's not completely obvious what her costume is suppose to be. I overheard a few people whispering to each other "I think she's a popsicle." But that's OK. Bea likes it and that's all that matters.

Here's a few pics of how I made it. I used some 1-inch upholstery foam. Hot-glued rolls of quilt batting to the foam. Ironed some fusible web to the purple polar fleece, and then ironed the fleece to the upholstery foam. I attached the front and back pieces to a head piece with spray glue, and voilá.... a soft, purple popsicle costume.