Thursday, January 6, 2011

Bring your sweet tooth.

My good friend Adriene Rathbun, of Social (demonstration in-home cooking classes), has invited me back to her fabulous, newly-renovated kitchen to teach a Valentine's Day-inspired dessert class on February 12 starting at 10 a.m.

I'm calling it I HEART SUGAR. The menu will include:
1. You-warm-my-heart Cocoa Packets
2. Sweetie Pies
3. Love-me-tender Brownie Steaks
4. Karamel Kisses
5. Makin' Whoopie Pies
6. Love Makes the Whirled-go-'round Cookies
7. Hidden Heart Cake

To reserve your spot, just go here and check out all the details. Space is limited to 12. Attendees are guaranteed a box full of sugary love to take home. Hope to see you there!

Oh, and if you're interested in something besides sugar ... I mean, like, truly delicious food that makes your heart leap for joy, check out all of Adriene's classes. She's a phenomenal chef and really knows how to make cooking fun.