Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Rockin' Black Bookcase

My husband is for hire. (I don't like to advertise that too loudly or too often, mostly because I keep him pretty busy with my projects.) But during the month of December, he took some seasonal time off from his nursery job and needed a good woodworking challenge to keep him occupied.

So I contracted him out to our good friends, the Lindemans. They had been wanting a bookcase for their living room, but couldn't seem to find the right shape, size, color, finish, etc. to fit their needs. They sent Eric some dimensions, paint preference, and a few photos of bookcases they had seen & liked, and he got to work.

The construction went quickly. The painting did not. Admittedly, Eric doesn't have the best set-up for painting large furniture pieces. (A.K.A. my half of the garage.) But his patience and stubbornness to learn a new skill paid off. It turned out beautifully. And it looks so perfect in the Lindeman's house, underneath that awesome, rockin' U2 poster! 

We got the official "thumbs up" from Mr. Park as he inspected it upon arrival this morning.

PS. Carrie & Craig: I wouldn't be surprised if your little guy uses those sliding cabinet doors for a future game of hide & seek.