Sunday, September 28, 2008

Only 33 days 'til Halloween!

The countdown has started at the Denneler house. No matter what crazy ideas I come up with, Eric always exceeds my expectations with his mad costuming skills. And this year is no exception. Hush, hush on the details though until the big reveal on October 31. Be sure to check back. In the mean time, here are a few of my favorites from years past.

Kangaroo Sandra and her baby joey, Gus.

Gus in his Denneler Construction crane.

Gus piloting his DennelAir plane and Bea as a bag of airline "Beanuts."

Bea as a bee and Gus in his Denneler Construction wrecking ball.

Sandra the Art Director Barbie. * Copywriter sold separately.

Sandy the Dog and her litter of puppies.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Turning two in a tutu.

Look who turned two, on September twenty-two, in a fabulous new tutu! Bea was all smiles as we celebrated with bumblebee cakes and lots of fun presents. Thanks to Aunt Sharon and Uncle Allen for joining in on the celebration Sunday night.

I also made an Oreo cookie beehive for Bea to take to daycare and share with her little buddies. How many Oreos does it take to make a beehive? Good question. Approximately 82 (5 bags.) And yes, I tend to get carried away when it comes to my children's birthdays. I know. I know. Eric calls it insanity, I call it "inSANDRAty." I just can't help myself. Birthdays are the best!

Eric's Half-Marathon – 1:44:46

Eric ran the Wichita Half-Marathon Sunday morning, with a (correct me if I'm wrong here, Eric) personal-best time of 1:44:46. Which means he ran less-than-8-minute miles. Way to go Eric! The kids and I placed ourselves strategically around the course to cheer him on and take photos. Gus kept saying "look mom, I can run as fast as dad!" and Bea, well.....she just kept herself fully hydrated. We're so proud of our Dad!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Phase 2 complete.

Eric and I went back to Colby this weekend and stained my mom's new front deck that Eric and his brother had built in July. The temperatures were much more agreeable this time - 73 instead of 98! The house is really looking great. Now we just need to find a time to go back and complete Phase 3 - the landscaping.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Whoooo wants a cookie?

I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone (oh yes, pun totally intended) and bake some Owl cookies for a friend's belated birthday as well as treats for Gus' 1st grade class. It was basically just an excuse to try out my new owl cookie cutter. 

Why did I choose to make them blue? Good question. I guess I was just inspired by my new apron and it's fun & funky colors. Thanks to my good friend, Carrie, for the new kitchen baking attire. I feel like my Aunt Maryellen when I wear it. (Who, by the way, was the Queen of all Baked Goods when I was growing up!)

Friday, September 5, 2008

The easiest cake I've ever made.

We celebrated another birthday at my office today. Andy, the birthday boy, is a true health nut. So rather than shorten his life with my usual butter and sugar concoctions, I opted to make him a healthy cake - watermelon.

Monday, September 1, 2008

A BEAutiful flower girl.

Little Miss Bea was a flower girl on Sunday at her cousin's wedding in Lawrence. She's not quite two years old yet, so I told Ashley (the bride) weeks ago that there was a 20% chance she might actually do what you want her to do during the ceremony. Especially since the ring bearers accompanying her included a one-year old boy name Kelan, and the couple's dog, Baxter. (Scenarios of a Funniest Home Video episode have haunted me for weeks.)

But luckily, the trio was escorted up the aisle in a little red wagon, pulled by Kelan's mom. And miracle of miracles, no one jumped out. Bea forgot to sprinkle her flower petals along the way — even after she'd practiced throwing & dumping them numerous times before the ceremony. But that's OK. She didn't cry and she didn't hurt the dog or Kelan. And most importantly, she looked cute.

It was a beautiful wedding and a fun day.